Pharmacie Uniprix Kalfane

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Pharmacie Uniprix Kalfane
3131 Chemin Cote Vertu  

5/5 - 1 avis


1 comment

Eddy Bloom
My wife Erika is on coumadin. Every Monday morning (until they find the right level)the hospital take blood and they send the results to our Pharmacie and they prepare the pills for us.a week ago Mon they did not call the Pharmacie with the results.they called us with a level of 1.4 and will call later what pills my wife need,she never called back us or the Pharmacie when Reza Kalfane called the coumadin office they were close. Mr kalafane took over 30 Minutes to Figure the level she needs based on the 1.4 level we had.Our thanks to Uniprix to have such dedicated and knowledgeable Pharmacist such as Reza. Eddy Bloom

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