La Solution Ménager
Contact info
La Solution Ménager
3266 Rue Sainte Lucie
Montréal , QC , H1Z1S3
Payment accepted

Business Hours open
Open 24/24, 7/7 |
Business Details
La Solution Ménager is a reliable and renowned company that has chosen to specialize in various cleaning and housekeeping services.
By requesting its professional and rapid intervention, you are calling on a competent team that puts your needs at the heart of its priorities.
This team brings together highly qualified professionals who are committed to serving customers in the best possible way to guarantee their total satisfaction.
It is also able to operate throughout the Montreal region.
So, to benefit from these services whose quality is incomparable, do not hesitate to contact La Solution Ménager.
The team is at your disposal to provide you with meticulous work and services perfectly adapted to your criteria.
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