Construction & Toiture Pro-Bâtiment Inc.

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Construction & Toiture Pro-Bâtiment Inc.
202 12e Avenue Sud
Sherbrooke , QC , J1G2V4

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Business Details

Toiture Pro-Bâtiment specializes in metal roofing and shingles in the Eastern Townships such as Sherbrooke, Magog, East Angus, Granby, Orford, Windsor, Ascot Corner, Stoke and others… With a professional team of 10 years from experience you will benefit from advice on your choice of shingles according to the slope of your roof, the climatic conditions, your location, the installation season and finally according to your planned budget.

their Services :

shingle roof

  • The organic asphalt shingle
  • The fiberglass shingle
  • Laminated or architectural shingles

metal roof

Toiture Pro-Bâtiment offers sound advice by proposing the most suitable and technically compliant solutions, with results that are always as close as possible to the wishes of their customers.

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