Brigitte Langevin Experte en Éducation Sommeil

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Brigitte Langevin Experte en Éducation Sommeil

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Monday by appointment
Tuesday by appointment
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Business Details

Brigitte Langevin is a lecturer, successful author and an expert in children and adults sleep education. Thanks to her expertise cumulated for over 15 years, she is regularly invited for conferences, training courses and to intervene in several organizations.
Brigitte Langevin offers a lot of services and products to help you understand and master your and your children sleep.

Here are all the services and products she provides:

Brigitte Langevin expert in sleep education

Children and adults sleep books

  • « Comment aider mon enfant à mieux dormir »
  • « Guide pratique des routines du coucher et du lever »
  • « La sieste chez l’enfant »
  • « Le sommeil du nourrisson »
  • « Le sourire de Noah »
  • « Mieux dormir j’en rêve »
  • « Une discipline en douceur »

Babies and children sleep webinar

  • « Baby sleep: 0 to 2 months »
  • « Baby sleep: 2 to 4 months »
  • « Baby sleep: 4 to 8 months »
  • « Child sleep: 9 to 18 months »
  • « Child sleep: 19 to 36 months »
  • « Child sleep: 3 to 5 years »
  • « Softly discipline: 1 to 5 years »

Posters and flyers

  • Coloured posters
  • Format 11x17 inches
  • Sleep needs 0 to 5 years
  • Informative flyers

Visit Brigitte Langevin website to know more about children and adults sleep. You will be able to find, articles about sleep, also testimonies of people that find quality sleep again thanks to Brigitte Langevin, and finally, you will find a online store where you will be able to purchase books, webinar and conferences that will allow you to master your and your children sleep.
To visit your expert’s website Click here
5/5 - 1 avis


Brigitte Langevin Experte en Éducation Sommeil
Brigitte Langevin Experte en Éducation Sommeil
Brigitte Langevin Experte en Éducation Sommeil

1 comment

ana alexandre
excellente lecture merci madame langevin

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