Centre Santé Dormeus Massothérapie Osthéopathie Naturopathe

Contact info

Centre Santé Dormeus Massothérapie Osthéopathie Naturopathe
5872 Boulevard Léger suite #18  

Payment accepted

Interac Visa Mastercard Paypal Cash

Business Hours open

Monday by appointment
Tuesday by appointment
Wednesday by appointment
Thursday by appointment
Friday by appointment
Saturday by appointment
Sunday by appointment

Contact this company

Business Details

The Dorméus Health Center is a family business located in Montreal North. Mr. Dorméus, a naturopath with over 25 years of experience, and his team offer a wide range of services to improve the quality of life of their clients.

Here is what is offered to you:

Natural Healing

  • Quantum Therapy
  • Massage Therapy
  • Naturopathy
  • Osteopathy
  • Body X Training
  • Medical-Aesthetic Service
  • Lumbar decompression

Services are offered to children, young adults, professionals and seniors. Contact the Dorméus Health Center now to learn more about the services offered and the benefits of alternative medicine!

The Dorméus Health Center is recognized by the association of naturotherapists of Quebec, by the international naturopathic homeopathic association Inc. (INHA) and by the group of massage therapists of Quebec. Insurance receipts are available.
5/5 - 1 avis


Centre Santé Dormeus Massothérapie Osthéopathie Naturopathe
Centre Santé Dormeus Massothérapie Osthéopathie Naturopathe
Centre Santé Dormeus Massothérapie Osthéopathie Naturopathe


Je félicite toujours Mr Dormeus comme Naturopathe dans la Communauté Haïtienne.Je l'écoute de temps en temps. il est très compétent.Et c'est un Frère et un Homme de.coeur,très solidaire pour tous Que Dieu lui bénisse et sa famille.
Bonjour ,je voudrais savoir si vous avez sur place un ou une spécialiste qui traite la bursite aux hanches ! Merci

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