Garderie Les Génies Pingouins Bleus

Contact info

Garderie Les Génies Pingouins Bleus
11175 Avenue Georges-Pichet,  

Payment accepted

Cash Check

Business Hours closed

Monday 06:30 to 18:00
Tuesday 06:30 to 18:00
Wednesday 06:30 to 18:00
Thursday 06:30 to 18:00
Friday 06:30 to 18:00
Saturday by appointment
Sunday by appointment

Contact this company

Business Details

Garderie Les Génies Pingouins Bleus is an educational day-care center, accredited by the government, located in Montréal-Nord. It welcomes your little ones from the age of 1 month to 5 years. The team is known for its mutual help and its warm climate.

La Garderie Les Genies Pingouins Bleus offers many services, such as:

Educational program to develop 

• Intellectual
• Affective
• Social
• Moral
• Physical

Multilingual program

• Introduction to English and Arabic

Educational activities under themes

• Apprenticeships
• Songs
• Crafts
• Dance

Educational activities

• At the park or in the fully equipped yard

Menu Respecting Canada's Food Guide

• Breakfast
• Two to three snacks
• Hot and fresh home meals

Services available for handicapped children

In addition, a night and weekend service is available.

Responsible and qualified educators are there to supervise your children and take care of them while having fun. The premises are safe and suitable for the little ones. For more information or a visit, contact the Garderie Les Genies Penguins Bleus today!

4.7/5 - 3 avis
Garderie Les Génies Pingouins Bleus
Garderie Les Génies Pingouins Bleus
Garderie Les Génies Pingouins Bleus


J'aime bcp cette garderie. La directrice est géniale. Très ouverte à toutes les questions, très gentille et compréhensive. Mon fils est nouveau et il est tellement heureux là-bas????....
J'aime bcp cette garderie. La directrice est géniale. Très ouverte à toutes les questions, très gentille et compréhensive. Mon fils est nouveau et il est tellement heureux là-bas????....

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