Home & Senior Care Montreal Health access

Contact info

Home & Senior Care Montreal Health access
482 Boulevard Beaconsfield #204
Beaconsfield , QC , H9W4C4

Payment accepted

Cash Check

Business Hours closed

Monday 08:30 to 16:30
Tuesday 08:30 to 16:30
Wednesday 08:30 to 16:30
Thursday 08:30 to 16:30
Friday 08:30 to 16:30
Saturday closed
Sunday closed

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Business Details

Health Access is a home care and nursing company that has been serving the Greater Montreal Area since 1996. Its qualified workers allow you to enjoy a better quality of life and have more independence.
Health Access offers you the following services:

Home care services

• Personal care (bathing, hygiene)
• Homemaking (meals and laundry)
• Light housework
• Infant and child care
• Respite for family caregivers
• Support when family caregivers are away

Nursing services

• Evaluation of the situation and your needs
• Palliative care
• Care before and after surgery
• General nursing, medication review, dressing changes
• IV (intravenous) therapy, injections
• Obtaining blood samples and other specimens
• On-going follow-up of all clients
• Supervision of all home-support staff
• Alzheimer’s Care

For personal care services adapted to your needs and in in the comfort of your home, call Health Access now.
5/5 - 1 avis


1 comment

Marc Christien
Salut tout le monde, je voulais partager mon histoire avec l'objectif que les autres, qui vivent avec des membres de la famille ou des amis qui ont une maladie mentale les empêche d'être en mesure de prendre soin d'eux-mêmes, peuvent atteindre et obtenir de l'aide. J'ai eu un membre de la famille proche qui a reçu un diagnostic de schizophrénie. Ce fut tout d'abord et au choc, il était assez difficile de se habituer à l'idée de toujours aller voir cette personne à l'hôpital. Eh bien, il a fallu 4 ans avant de libérer mon cher, une fois qu'ils étaient de retour à la maison, nous avons fait de notre mieux pour être là pour eux et les aider à autant que possible. Malheureusement, il a fallu un péage sur nous tous. Mon cher famille membre avait besoin de plus d'aide et de soutien, nous pourrions fournir à temps limité sont, nous étions tous frustrés se, c'est quand nous avons décidé d'obtenir de l'aide professionnelle. Heath accès n'a pas été le premier lieu nous avons essayé, mais il est celui qui est resté. Je me souviens quand le preneur de soins est arrivé, elle avait un beau sourire, je pouvais dire qu'elle aimait aider les gens. Elle a fourni un grand soulagement nécessaire au-dessus d'aider mon bien-aimé, avec le nettoyage, en vous assurant qu'ils mangeaient des aliments sains, d'azote à l'épicerie prendre des médicaments là-bas, au bon moment et être juste présent quand nous ne pouvions pas. Donc, c'est ma façon de vous dire merci. J'espère vraiment que cela va vous aider à atteindre et obtenir de l'aide par des professionnels qui sont affectueux et bienveillants. (Original) Hi everyone, I wanted to share my story with the goal that others, that are living with family members or friends that have a mental illness stopping them from being able to take care of them selves, can reach out and get help. I had a close family member that was diagnosed with Schizophrenia. It was quite a choc at first and it was hard enough getting used to the idea of always going to see that person at the hospital. Well it took 4 years before they release my loved one, once they were back home, we did the best we could to be there for them and help them as much as possible. Unfortunately it took a toll on all of us. My dear family member needed more help and support then we could provide with are limited time, we were all getting frustrated, that's when we decided to get some professional help. Heath Access wasn't the first place we tried, but it's the one that stuck. I remember when the care taker arrived, she had such a beautiful smile, I could tell she loved helping people. She provided much needed relief on top of helping my loved one, with cleaning, making sure they ate healthy nitrous foods, grocery shopping taking there medication at the right time and just being présent when we couldn't. So this is my way of saying thank you. I really hope that this will help you reach out and get help by professionals that are loving & Caring.

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