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ID Vert Entretien paysager is a young company in full expansion, which has on board qualified staff with more than 10 years of experience. We look after the health and beauty of your outdoor living spaces for your happiness and enjoyment.

       ID Vert Landscape maintenance offers its customers a professional and personalized service. This service, through regular visits to your home, guarantees the maintenance and the valorization of your facilities, preserving your investments. Here are some services offered by our company:

-Size of small trees and shrubs
-Weed Control
-Insect and Disease Screening
-Amendment and Fertilization
-Lawn Care
-Water Garden Maintenance
-Realization of landscaping

Let us pamper your landscaping while you enjoy life !!!!!
5/5 - 1 avis

1 comment

Julie Freniere
Bonjour! J'habite à Bromont, j'ai un terrain à tondre d'environ 16000 pieds carrés. Offrez vous ce service de tonte de gazon seulement sans traitement pour contre les mauvaise herbe, dechaumage et autre... Seulement tonte de gazon pour le reste de la saison. Si oui, quel serait le coût du service? Merci à l'avance...

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