Coach en PNL Francine Hénault

Contact info

Coach en PNL Francine Hénault

Business Hours open

Monday by appointment
Tuesday by appointment
Wednesday by appointment
Thursday by appointment
Friday by appointment
Saturday by appointment
Sunday by appointment

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Business Details

Coach in PNL (Programming linguistic neuro), Francine Hénault detains a Bachelor’s in psychology from Montreal University.
She worked in the public network service during 23 years with a clientele having functional limitations.
Her service aims at the achievement of your objectives.
How better understand and manage our emotion to develop new strategies and manners to be more effective, through the everyday life events.
She offers services of:
  • PNL coach
  • PNL coaching
For more information or for an appointment, please contact Francine Hénault !
5/5 - 1 avis


1 comment

Merci Madame Hénault, vous m'avez aider à mieux gérer mes émotions et cela m'aide énormément dans la vie de tous les jours!

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