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101-370 rue de la riviere  

Tel. 450 263-0774
Fax. 450 263-6457
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1 comment

Erika Bazin
To whom it may concern, Hello my name is Erika Bazin and I’m writing you today because I have been struggling with anorexia for quite some time now. I just turned 23 in the month of April and I’m not sure who could help me with this issue and that’s why I’m writing today; I’m hoping someone will hear my plea and respond. I have been trying to fight my eating disorder now for over a year however I’ve had this problem for much longer than that. A close friend and co-worker of mine who’s been through eating disorders in the past was the person to open my eyes and make realise how little I was eating at work. Sometimes I go an entire 9 hour shift without eating and that’s extremely worrying. Of all the things that have been a part of my life, this is one of the hardest and scariest and I don’t have very much support in my life, I lost my father two years ago and I haven’t been in contact with my mother for much longer for personal reasons so I’m not sure who to turn to for help. I would really appreciate all of your help, You can always contact me by email: erika.bazin.1@gmail.com Or by phone (I’m not always available but you can leave me a voice mail and I’ll call back as soon as I get a chance): 450 204 9570 Thanks Again Erika Bazin

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